कोरोना महामारी के चलते केंद्र सरकार और राज्य की सरकारें विदेश में रहने वाले भारतीय नागरिकों, देश के अन्दर ही दूसरे राज्यों में मजदूरी या नौकरी करने वाले लोगों और घर से दूर रहकर पढ़ने वाले छात्रों की सरकारी खर्चे पर घर वापसी करवा रहीं हैं तो दूसरी ओर देश के कुछ सरकारी महकमे ऐसे भी हैं जहाँ उनके कर्मचारियों को वास्तविक आधार पर भी एक राज्य से दूसरे राज्य में स्थानान्तरण की सुविधा नहीं दी जाती है।
ज्ञात हो कि केंद्रीय GST एवं कस्टम्स विभाग में निरीक्षकों के लिए अंतर आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण (ICT) की सुविधा कुछ समय पहले बंद कर दी गयी थी, जबकि विभाग के अन्य सभी संवर्गों को ये सुविधा अभी भी प्राप्त है।
वैश्विक कोरोना महामारी के चलते केंद्रीय GST एवं कस्टम्स विभाग के निरीक्षकों ने संघ के माध्यम से अंतर आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण जैसी संवर्ग कल्याणकारी योजना पुनः चालू करने की गुहार लगायी।
विभाग में बहुत सारे निरीक्षक ऐसे भी हैं जो अंतर आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण (ICT) बंद होने के कारण कई वर्षों से अपने जीवनसाथी से अलग रहने पर मजबूर कर दिए गए हैं। कई निरीक्षक अपने बूढ़े और कैंसर, टीबी जैसे घातक रोगों से पीडि़त माता-पिता की एकल संतान है और उनसे दूर रहने के लिए बाध्य हैं। कुछ निरीक्षक ऐसे भी हैं जिनके बच्चे मानसिक या शारीरिक रूप से अक्षम हैं, कुछ निरीक्षक तो स्वयं दिव्यांग हैं, और कुछ स्वयं घातक रोगों से पीडि़त हैं, परन्तु विभाग इनको भी गृह राज्य में तैनाती नहीं देता। गृह राज्य से सैकड़ों किलोमीटर दूर तैनात होने के कारण अविवाहित महिला निरीक्षकों को विवाह के लिए वर नहीं मिल रहा।
अखिल भारतीय केंद्रीय GST निरीक्षक संघ के महासचिव अनुभूति चटर्जी एवं अध्यक्ष अखिल सोनी ने विभाग के CBIC बोर्ड, नई दिल्ली को लिखे गए पत्र के माध्यम से यह बताया कि विभाग में अपने गृह राज्य से बाहर तैनात निरीक्षक अंतर आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण बंद होने के कारण पहले से ही मानसिक तनाव में थे, परन्तु अब कोरोना काल में उनके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में कई गुना गिरावट आने लगी है, जिससे उनकी कार्यक्षमता प्रभावित हो रही है और परिणाम स्वरुप कर संग्रह पर भी विपरीत प्रभाव पड़ रहा है।
ICT बहुत पुराने समय से ही इस विभाग की सुस्थापित संवर्ग कल्याणकारी योजना रही है और विभाग के अन्य सभी संवर्गों के लिए ये अभी भी चालू है परन्तु केवल निरीक्षक वर्ग के लिए अंतर आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण पर प्रतिबन्ध लगा दिया गया है जिससे निरीक्षक वर्ग स्वयं को उत्पीडि़त महसूस करते हैं।
विभाग में निरीक्षकों के लिए ICT के बंद होने के कारण बहुत से निरीक्षक नौकरी छोड़ चुके हैं और कुछ नौकरी छोड़ने के कगार पर है। अपने घर के नजदीक रहने के लिए इनमें से किसी ने दूसरा विभाग तो किसी ने निचले वर्ग की नौकरी ज्वाइन कर ली है। इसके कारण विभाग से प्रतिभा पलायन हो रहा है और दक्ष कर्मचारियों की संख्या में कमी आ रही है।
अगर यह क्रम इसी तरह जारी रहा तो निश्चित रूप से विभाग की कार्य क्षमता कम होती चली जाएगी जिससे कर संग्रह पर भी विपरीत प्रभाव पड़ेगा क्योंकि निरीक्षक वर्ग इस विभाग में जमीनी स्तर पर रहकर काम करने वाला सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कार्यकारी अधिकारी है।
हमारे पूरे जीवनकाल के इस सबसे बड़े सामाजिक आर्थिक संकट में, जबकि सभी सरकारें, सरकारी कर्मचारियों के कई आर्थिक लाभों को स्थगित कर रहीं हैं, अंतर आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण जैसी संवर्ग कल्याणकारी योजना पुनः चालू करने से निरीक्षकों की कार्यक्षमता और क्रमशः विभाग की कार्यक्षमता में वृद्धि होगी, अंततोगत्वा कर संग्रह में भी वृद्धि होगी।
अतः अखिल भारतीय केंद्रीय जीएसटी निरीक्षक संघ ने विभाग में निरीक्षक वर्ग के लिए अंतर आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण को यथाशीघ्र पुनः चालू करने की मांग की।
संघ की स्थानीय लखनऊ इकाई के महासचिव अभिजात श्रीवास्तव ने भी इस मांग का समर्थन किया है।
Due to ICT ban, Inspectors are frustrated and demotivated. They feels cheated.
Due to ICT ban children are suffering. They have the right over the love of both parents
ICT ban ki wajah s husband and wife Ko alag rhna pad rha h.
ICT should be open. A person living near his hometown will be mentally relax and can also handle his social obligations very well. Also an officer can deliver the best in an environment when there is no language and culture barrier especially in our department.
My father is suffering from heart disease. Being only son. In this situation I need to care my father. Wife is also working in govt. Job in my hometown. This is a life. CBIC shall open the ICT for welfare it’s employees.
ICT is the need of the hour because being with family is happiest thing and makes us more dedicated toward work so the ban should be lifted and ICT be started.
Inter commissinerate transfer (ict) is the legitimate demand for inspectors working in cbic. Ict was there earlier also but to deny its benefit to the present working strength despite the genuine reasons is not justified.
It is hoped that the views of inspectors in cbic to open ict are echoed at every level of administration now.
Nonetheless, the state has to be an ideal employer.
ICT is necessary not only for spouse but also for their kid. As, single parent can’t upbringing their child with as efficiency as both parents do.
ICT should be restored so that the working husband and working wife can live together.
ICT should be restored so that the working husband and working wife can live together especially when husband is the only child of his parents
ICT should be restored. It will not only raise the morale of the officers but also boost the efficiency, as the officers need not to worry about their families.
ICT should be restored. It will not only raise the morale of the officers but also boost the efficiency, as the officers need not to worry about their families.
Please open ICT
It is a humble request to lift the ban on ICT of inspector cadre in GST and Customs. It is requested from authorities to take necessary action and take favouraby decision.
We are being forced to live away from our families just to satisfy the ego’s of a few officials
It’s so pathetic that when we were selected through all India based exam , no such policy of non transfer of Inspectors was mentioned anywhere & ICT was happening smoothly.
After joining, the board has changed the policy without taking consideration of pathetically affected staffs.
This is draconian.
We are here like a family & this type of policy ruins our future. Here everyone is badly affected.
With sacrosanct respect, we urge to reconsider & open ICT with immediate effect.
ICT for Inspector in CBIC should be opened
Ban on ICT is ruining lives on thousands of families. ICT should be open.
Please open ICT in CBIC for inspector and help us to live a dignified life with our family.
Open ICT for Inspector in CBIC, helps us to live a life with our family. Don’t force us to live far from my wife and daughter.
ICT for GST Inspectors must be allowed. Baffles me why it was meekly banned by the board whereas ICT is allowed in other grade’s. This step motherly treatment meted out to Inspectors should stopped ONCE and FOR ALL.
Ban on ICT is ruining lives on thousands of families. ICT should be open.
ICT should be re-opened for GST Inspectors.
ICT is a need of time for these government employees
इस ICT के नियम को देख के ही ये विभाग जॉइन किया था, ये सोच के कि कुछ समय बाद ही सही पर अपने बूढ़े माता पिता (विकलांग) के पास वापस अपने गृह जिला न सही, गृह राज्य को ही लौट तो आऊंगा। अब ICT विभाग ने बन्द कर दी ओ भी बिना कुछ सोच के। आखिर अपने गृह राज्य में स्थानांतरण की इच्छा रखना कोई पाप तो नही है ओ तब जब आपके सिवा कोई और न हो बूढ़े माता पिता (PH) की देख रेख करने को। मन रुष्ट हो जाता है जब ये सोचता हूँ कि अब उनके बुढ़ापे का सहारा कौन बनेगा, क्या यही सोच कर पढ़ाया लिखाया इस काबिल बनाया की उनको जब सबसे ज्यादा जरूरत मेरी होगी तब मैं किसी दूसरे राज्य में फंसा हुआ तड़प रहा हूँगा। ये तो नहीं हो सकता कि मैं अपने बूढ़े मा बाप को अकेले छोड़ दूं, भले ही नौकरी छोड़नी पडें। हालाँकि अब तक बहुतों ने छोड़ भी दी है।अब अगर विभाग (CBIC) को नौकरी वापस लेके ही सन्तुष्टि मिलती है, तो यही सही। ICT पुनः चालू करने से बहुत से परिवार टूटने से बच जाएंगे। आदणीय माननीयों से निवेदन है कि ICT पुनः चालू करें, और श्रष्टि के बनाये नियम को टूटने से बचाएं।
Please open ICT. It’s required. I am facing a lot of family problem as posted in chennai. My 70 years mother is residencing in Bihar. Wife have been working at MoD posted in Delhi and her post is non transferable.
So kindly I request please open ICT.
Due to ban on ICT candidates are opting for clerical posts in their home state instead on GST Inspector
Ban on ICT is ruining lives on thousands of families
There is no reason to restrict employees from transfer in this department .
ICT must be started immidiately without any more delay…..
To give the maximum performance, welfare concern of the employees need to be considered. ICT should be opened to meet the need of the employees of CBIC Inspectors
मेरी पत्नी राज्य सरकार के कार्यालय में कार्यरत है, मेने केवल ICT की वजह से दुरण विभाग छोड़ कर इस विभाग को जॉइन किया था। बाद में यहाँ पर ICT को बंद करने से, में मेरे परिवार को उचित समय भी नही दे पाता। कृपया इसे चालू करे।
CBIC Open ICT …. live with family increase efficiency and performance because it reduces mental pressure.
Inter commissinerate transfer (ict) is the legitimate demand for inspectors working in cbic. Ict was there earlier also but to deny its benefit to the present working strength despite the genuine reasons is not justified.
It is hoped that the views of inspectors in cbic to open ict are echoed at every level of administration now.
Nonetheless, the state has to be an ideal employer.
ICT should be opened at the earliest so that applicants can transferred to their desired place without any further delay.
पत्रकार महोदय ने पूरे मामले को विस्तार से समझा दिया है, सरकार एवम सक्षम अधिकारी मामले का संज्ञान लेते हुए ICT को जल्द से चालू किया जाए।
#openICTincbic , jab humne department join kiya tha to ye socha tha ki 3 ya 4 saal baad apne ghar chale jayenge, bhuto ne isi ke karan apni purani job bhi chod di thi, kisi ki wife or husband unse door he and bhuto ke parents bimar he and co unke pass jaakr apne bhude parents ki seva bhi ni kr skte , ek taraf to govt kehti he ki old age parents ki help karo and dusri traf unhe jane Ni deti, me puchna chahta hu govt se ki kya chiz unhe rok rhi he jo unhone ICT ban kiya hua he and open Ni kr rhe he ??? Kripya karke logo ki problems ko samjhe esse log bhi haapy rhenge aur revenue bhi bhadega ..
CBIC should reinstate the ICT policy at the earliest.
Please open ICT
आज भी work from home हम सब सफलतापूर्वक कर रहे है अपने डिपार्टमेंट (CBIC, GST Department) के लिए। तो फिर हमारी posting अपने native place में देने में क्या परेशानी है। विनम्र निवेदन यह है कि ICT शुरू किया जाये।
Please #openictincbic for the welfare of employees, jinki puri zindagi lockdown me fse workers jaisi ho chuki h jo chah kr bhi ghar nhi ja skte
Open ICT for needful officers.
Dear PM, Jinni jruri nokri h, utni hi jruri ICT hai, ek sikke k 2 pehlu hote Hain, dono ko alag alag Nahi krna Chahiye. else Zero value ho jati h!! Kindly #openICTinCBIC
The government should think about the difficulties faced by husband and wife working in different states, the children suffer the most. The dependents of family are dying to see their child come home. The ban on ICT has made the life of an inspector a living hell.
ICT is allowed in every department except CBIC , where is the right to equality? Is not the violation of article 14 of indian constitution ?
Please give us ICT, I can donate one months salary to PM Cares fund or even one years salary. #OpenICTinCBIC.
This is our fundamental need, my mother has been suffering from many age related problems and arthritis and I am not able to take care of her in this phase of life. It is a violation of our right to live with human dignity.
ICT must be opened asap
If we will get ICT, we can take care of our old parents who cannot come with ous owing to multiple issues. And apart from this it will increase our efficiency.
Please start ICT in inspectors cadre in CBIC for the welfare of staff.
Humanity is the soul of human. Husband and wife cannot live apart, all should get a chance to serve their parents and therefore ICT should be open without any terms and condition.
Please open ICT in CBEC
Inspectors in CBIC are in distress and pain due to ICT issue.
The ICT is need of the hour. Government is sending home everyone from higher class to lower class. But, we the Inspectors of CBIC are forced to work away from home. Kindly open the ICT.
Inefficiency of some people in Board of CBIC has suffocated the entire Inspector Cadre in GST. When it comes to Group A in this Department, every rule is bent and at times even new, otherwise dummy, posts are created so that officers in Group A stay put togather with their spouse. Transfers on such ground in Group A are done at such a lighting speed.
So in way some marriage are considered more equal or perhaps more legitimate than others.
But when it comes to the Inspector Cadre of CBIC, every excuse and alibi that is there in this ?, is made operational. A perfect example of the crumbling hierarchical bureaucratic pyramid.
Nevertheless friends, we will keep fighting for ICT. ?
Open ICT for Inspector in CBIC, help us to live with our family.
ICT should be opened in CBIC
Thousands of inspectors and their families have been suffering..
No mental peace.. revenue collection got impacted badly due to mental agony
ICT IN CBIC SHOULD REOPEN. Husband and wife are staying apart.
Please Open ICT for needy i. e. Spouse Ground, Single son, unmarried girl etc.
ICT should be opened in CBIC
Thousands of inspectors and their families have been suffering..
No mental peace.. revenue collection got impacted badly due to mental agony
Food, Shelter, Clothes, nothing is available to Inspectors at Non-Home locations. This is basic requirements for Livelihood. ICT must be given during these critical time if Coronavirus.
ICT is the Need of Time for country as the officer has to work with mental peace which can only achieve if they are at their native place.
please open ICT , like all other government department it should be given to CGST Inspectors
Inspectors in CBIC are in distress and pain due to ICT issue, that may be one of the reasons as to why India ranks so low in world happiness Index.
Plz open ICT
This will not only bring the happiness to employees but to the family also. And in this scenario we know a happy employee can serve the nation much much better than the annoyed/unhappy employee. So be happy and keep other happy too. And we all know god is watching our karma.
ICT is the Need of Time for country as the officer has to work with mental peace which can only achieve if they are at their native place.
Please open ICT in CBEC
#OpenICTinCBIC, it’s a legitimate demand
Inter zonal transfer of GST inspectors in CBIC is genuine demand and the same may please be resumed at the earliest.
Transfer is allowed in every department… Why Inspectors of CBIC have been singles out and punished?? ICT must be opened in CBIC .
ICT की वजह से मेरी शादी नहीं हो पा रही है क्योंकि कोई अपनी लड़की इतनी दूर नहीं भेजना चाहता ।
इसलिए कृपा करके ICT जल्द ही खोल दी जाए ।
Ict should be opened back in CBIC
Female inspectors are worst affected as they are forced to resign from their hard earned jobs due to ban on ICT policy. In spouse cases where wife is employee of GST department and husband is working in state govt., Wife is forced to leave the job to be with husband and to raise the child. A self reliant women is forced to live on the mercy of others for her financial needs, where is woman empowerment. Please take action to restart the ICT atleast on spouse ground and other compelling grounds. Please PM Modi should give directions to open ICT and save thousands of female inspectors from resigning from jobs and help to lead a dignified and self dependent life.
अगर ICT नहीं खुली तो और भी कई इंसपेक्टर नौकरी छोड़ने को विवश हो जायेंगे जिससे उनके परिवार को तो नुकसान होगा ही, परंतु इससे व्यापक नुकसान CBIC को होगा जो कि इन कुशल एवं प्रशिक्षित मानव संसाधनों को खो देगा जिससे भारत सरकार के राजस्व संग्रह पर गहरा असर होगा ।
ICT should be opened.
Please try to understand the genuine problems which are faced by the Inspectors due to ban of ICT and open it as early as possible.
#OpenICTinCBIC, it’s a legitimate demand
My wife is in AIIMS and I am from Vadodara Zone. Husband and wife are separated and our daughter is suffering because of department irresponsible behaviour. Kindly start asking ICT.
Please remove the partiality between Grade A and Grade B officer’s transfer policy.
Please Open ICT for needy i. e. Spouse Ground, Single son, unmarried girl etc.
Husband and wife can not be seperated. Old & ailing parents are alone without his only son/daughter. Disabled needs support of his family.
Wives of @cbic_india Inspectors, who employed in State Govt either to remain alone or resign their job to live with husband under this circumstance. This is very awkward situation for the wife and Husband both, as they have to choose between “Family” and “Career”
ICT ko shuru kro,,, but jyada negative issues face krne padd rhe h life m cz husband and wife if not stay together then how will life will move,, bacchee kase palenege,, divorce jasi situation aa jaegi ,,, kindly think over this issue,,, ye prime need h for husband and wife who are both working.
ICT must be opened for the Inspector Cadre of CBIC. It’s a legit demand of thousands of officers posted away from their homes.
Open the ICT in Inspector Cadre of CBIC
Ict should be open
CBIC is showing cruelty against their inspectors by not opening ICT. They are not bothering the problems being faced by the inspectors cadre.
Inter zonal transfer of GST inspectors in CBIC is genuine demand and the same may please be resumed at the earliest.
Please start Inter commissionerate transfer for all inspectors in finance ministry, we can’t spend our whole life in a single cadre being depressed and far off deserted families, it would be beneficial for working and morale of all the staff to give their best, right now in covid situation,think how’s our days are going without family.
ICT should open for welfare of staff
This legitimate demand should be accepted by CBIC.
How can a husband and wife can live seperately?
How can a child do his duty passionately when his/her parents are suffering from terminal illness?
How can a differently abled person stay 1000-2000km away from his parents?
Despite knowing above points, how can a board like CBIC with full of intelligent people can issue such kind of draconian circular banning ICT.
Inter zonal transfer of GST inspectors in CBIC is genuine demand and the same may please be resumed at the earliest.
Open ICT in CBIC
Please open ICT. Let the CGST Inspector live a normal life with dignity.
Open ICT in CBIC.
Open ICT for welfare of gst inspectors
We also deserve
Right to live a dignified life…
Right to live with our family.
Right of our children to be taken care of by both parents.
Right to get tranfer just like other central government employees
ICT IN CBIC SHOULD REOPEN. Husband and wife are staying apart bcoz of this draconian ban.
Open ICT
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families
Inter zonal transfer of GST inspectors in CBIC is genuine demand and the same may please be resumed at the earliest.
We also deserve
Right to live a dignified life…
Right to live with our family.
Right of our children to b taken care of by both parents.
Right to get tranfer just like other central government employees
The govt shall open the ICT for welfare it’s employees.
The govt shall open the ICT for welfare it’s employees.
We also deserve
Right to live a dignified life…
Right to live with our family.
Right of our children to b taken care of by both parents.
Right to get tranfer just like other central government employees
It’s a legit demand after all we have family also we need to spend time with family.. most of Inspectors leaving this job because of no ICT…
It is requested from authorities to take necessary action in this regard and open ICT as early as possible
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families.
Please open ICT. Let the CGST Inspector live a normal life with dignity.
We also deserve
Right to live a dignified life…
Right to live with our family.
Right of our children to b taken care of by both parents.
Right to get tranfer just like other central government employees
Please start Inter commissionerate transfer for all inspectors in finance ministry, we can’t spend our whole life in a single cadre being depressed and far off deserted families, it would be beneficial for working and morale of all the staff to give their best, right now in covid situation,think how’s our days are going without family.
please Open the ICT in Inspector Cadre of CBIC
Open ICT for Inspector in CBIC, helps us to live a life with our family. Don’t force us to live far from my wife and daughter.
Kripya humari samasya ko suna jaaye
Hume bhi gher jana hai
Hume bhi gher bhej do
Where is the justice in keeping a person away from his/her spouse and kids?
ICT must be opened in CBIC.
Please open ICT in GST department …it is required for the welfare of the department
Please open ict in cbic
ICT should be allowed along with restoration of seniority
Please open ICT in GST department …it is required for the welfare of the department
ICT is a must for inspectors to fulfill our personal and professional responsibility equally well.
Please start
It is a legit demand of the aggrieved government servants. Servants who have always stood ground and stood with government in times of crisis. It is high time that government tears down this basic British bureaucracy and listens to a genuine demand of its officials.
Inspector cadre is the forefront of the department in every aspect yet so much discrimination with the cadre is not acceptable. Open ICT in CBIC.
Without any financial burden a policy for transfer in inspector cadre only in CBIC is banned
ICT Must be open
This legitimate demand should be accepted by CBIC.
How can a husband and wife can live seperately?
How can a child do his duty passionately when his/her parents are suffering from terminal illness?
How can a differently abled person stay 1000-2000km away from his parents?
Despite knowing above points, how can a board like CBIC with full of intelligent people can issue such kind of draconian circular banning ICT.
For the welfare of all the Inspectors in CBIC cadre, ICT is mandatory. It will boost the morale of everyone and the productivity will increase.
We husband and wife both worked as GST inspector in different zones. Which other department could think of banning the transfer in such cases. Why DoPT guidelines have been violeted? Who will be responsible for the mental trauma faced by them? Which other cadre have been suffered like this? blanket ban on transfer will not only exhaust the employee who will not able to maintain the work life balance but also exhaust the department who have to use its resources to fight legal battle. Opening of ICT is the ultimate solution.
Kuch to raham karo
Jindagi khrab ho rahi hai logo ki
ICT is the Need of Time for country as the officer has to work with mental peace which can only achieve if they are at their native place. #OpenICTinCBIC
काले अंग्रेजो से इस देश को ना जाने कब मुक्ति मिलेगी ।। तिहाड़ जेल के क़ैदियों से भी बुरे हालातों में हम निरीक्षको को CBIC ने जीने के लिए मजबूर कर दिया है।। कृपया ICT को तुरंत बहाल किया जाए ।।
ICT is a legitimate right. No one can be deprived of it. lift of ban of ICT should be immediately witdrawn
ICT must be open. We are living without beloved.
For increasing efficiency of employees, please restart ICT
Thousands of the inspectors are suffering due to adamant attitude of cbic
A middle class, Government employee must be given opportunity to get home posting. His existence away from home is impossible. ICT must be open.
Ict must be open. It will increase the moral and the efficiency only. As there are many who suffers a lot due to staying away from home for months
काले अंग्रेजो से इस देश को ना जाने कब मुक्ति मिलेगी ।। तिहाड़ जेल के क़ैदियों से भी बुरे हालातों में हम निरीक्षको को CBIC ने जीने के लिए मजबूर कर दिया है।। कृपया ICT को तुरंत बहाल किया जाए ।।
ICT should be opened
ICT should be restart for the welfare of inspectors in cbic
Our constitution give us right to live
But in CBIC there is no right to live
CBIC officers work under huge pressure like family, work,etc
So for the sake of humanity and dignity
ICT in CBIC should open immediately
I request to modi govt take quick action and open ICT in CBIC
काले अंग्रेजो से इस देश को ना जाने कब मुक्ति मिलेगी ।। तिहाड़ जेल के क़ैदियों से भी हमको CBIC ने जीने के लिए मजबूर कर दिया है।। कृपया ICT को तुरंत बहाल किया जाए ।।
Inspectors joined CBIC through and all india exam….And we are serving government of india not any state government
Then how can be forced to be prisoned in any one state ?
At the time of joining ICT was there…..Later on it was banned arbitrarily .
Please open transfer. Husband and wife both working in government job facing difficulties.
Ban on ICT has led to unprecedented hardship to inspector cadre of CBIC, it must be opened for welfare of the inspectors as well as of the department as Inspectors are the basic entities of CBIC.
ICT should be open for welfare of CBIC’s inspectors as they have spent more than 7 years away from their home and family.
ICT is legitimate aspiration of the Inspector Cadre. There should be transparent and effective policy for implementation of transfers. Ban of ICT is not the solution. CBIC should not act as they can’t handle and make a suitable human resource development policy for this effect. Even CBIC has transfer policy for Group A Officers on Spouse Ground but for Group B officers, it is banned. Right now, most of the hurdles have been removed. ICT can be opened easily now. Please make it happens.
ICT should be start asap
Please open transfer. Husband and wife both working in government job facing difficulties.
ICT hmra Right h …Ye hme Milna hi chahiye…
Please open ICT. Let the CGST Inspector live a normal life with dignity.
These officers are the backbone of Department’s revenue collection activity and implementation of GST laws.Unfortunately, the Department is doing the least for their socio-economic welfare by neglecting their families. Department should open ICT so that they may look after their family as well.
The CBIC must immediately resume ICT as has been doing it up to 2016-17. I being an ex-serviceman served in Indian Armed Forces for nearly two decades but always remain out of my home town.Now it is expected that the department should consider my case and transfer to my home town.The resumption of ICT in inspector cadre not only boost up morale but also human resource utilisation will be optimum.It will also give a better family life to working couples.Those whose family members are suffering from medical ailments would be able to take care of their family members
To get transfer and live with family makes an individual socially ,emotionally and also financially stronger which in turn makes collection of revenue for govt stronger.
pls open the ict.
IZT should be opened to boost the morale of inspectors
Please open ICT in GST department …it is required for the welfare of the department
Please open transfer. Husband and wife both working in government job facing difficulties.
Inspectors are bck bone of GST department..if they are suffering such mental trauma…it is directly hamper their performance… Govt shoud open ICT atleast for spouse ground and critical illness case.
ICT is blocked for the grade of inspectors in CBIC,hence inspectors are in depression they are far away from their family .This hamper their working capacity also.I, requests to open ICT for the grade of inspectors.
CBIC ne apne inspectors ka mazak bana kar rakh diya hai…
How it can be expected from a frustrated and demoralised employee to work with zeal and dedication…
In all cadres in all the department of Government of India transfer policy is there but cbic banned it to benefit a small chunk
Husband and wife can not be seperated. Old & ailing parents are alone without his only son/daughter. Disabled needs support of his family. Pls Open ICT in CBIC.
Please reopen ICT
Inspectors are the backbone of GST department .But this backbone is the most suffered Cader of CBIC…..ICT is genuine demand and it itself is in the welfare of department as only a happy and healthy worker can contribute to the nation building …We are thousands kilometers away from our home..living alone ….separated from our children and parents….Condition of spouse ground inspectors are the worst…….their whole family suffers because of the ban on ICT…….So please open ICT for inspectors
ICT open karo #OpenICTinCBIC
For the welfare of all the Inspectors in CBIC cadre, ICT is mandatory. It will boost the morale of everyone and the productivity will increase.
यह सही समय हैं कि केंद्रीय जीएसटी निरिक्षको का अंतरराज्यीय स्थानांतरण पुनः शुरू हो। OpenICTinCBIC
Open ict in cbic. Ye HR section kis liye bni h sirf pareshan krne ke liye. Aankhen band kr sirf apne officers ka ego satisfy krti h
Please unit us with our family. Reopen ICT.
Open up ict to increase efficiency of staff of cbic, a balanced mind is an efficient mind
The govt shall open the ICT for welfare it’s employees.
Please open ICT in CBIC
OPEN ICT with Proper Guideline.
Like 3-4yrs Minimum Service Rendered in Parent Cadre, so that it will also fill up the gap of any vacancy arising due to ICT.
Please reopen ICT
For increasing efficiency of employees, please restart ICT.
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families.
Please unit us with our family. Reopen ICT.
ICT is need of an hour . Kindly reopen it.
Open up ict to increase efficiency of staff of cbic, a balanced mind is an efficient mind
Please open ICT for Central GST officers.
Please , open ICT
ICT हमारे लिए जीवनदायिनी है ।
बिना उसके हम निरीक्षकों का जीवन नीरस और अंधकारमय है ।
इस कल्याणकारी नीति को पुनः खोल दिया जाना ही सरकार और विभाग व हमारे हित में है ।
#Open ICT in CBIC
Due to this ICT ban Inspectors of CBIC are forced to leave away from their families. And all of this was done to benefit the Inspectors of some zones.
To give benefit of promotion to a few the authorities have ruined the lives of thousands of families.
हम जानते है हमारी सरकार बहुत अच्छी है और हमे पूरा विश्वास है Inter Commissionerate Transfer जल्दी ही शुरू कर के वो पूरे भारत मे रह रहे हज़ारो निरीक्षकों की दिक्कत को दूर करेंगे और उन्हें अपने घर अपनी पत्नी, अपने माँ बाप के पास भेजेंगे ।
Husband and wife can not be separated. Parents needs support of their family. Pls Open ICT in CBIC.
Ict should be opened to boost the morale of inspectors
Working Spouses are forced to live away from their husband / wives and their children.. Lift the ban on ICT CBIC , otherwise there will be a mass exodus of talent in near future.
Open ICT
Continue ict this is the way to live together for husband and wife who are working
Please start the ICT for Inspectors of GST.. #openICTinCBIC
Please open ICT in GST department …it is required for the welfare of the department and officers
it is allowed in other cadres but inspectors cadre it is denied giving lame excuses…
DOPT who is supreme body to frame the rules in service matter is in agreement for transfer but cbic is adamant violating dopt guidelines
open ICT in CBIC
There cannot be any justification by board for banning ICT in inspector cadre alone. Parents who have sacrified everything are now living alone when they need us most. For the sake of all, plz open ICT
ICT open honi chahiye.. sarkar ko hamari pareshaniya samjhani chahiye.
Very true and genuine demand
Please don’t force anyone to live away from their family. Humbly request to open ICT.
Open ICT for welfare of inspectors and their families
ICT is urgent for Inspectors.
Please Open ICT
Open ICT in inspector cadre in cbic
It’s a legit demand after all we have family also we need to spend time with family.. most of Inspectors leaving this job because of no ICT…
It is requested from authorities to take necessary action in this regard and open ICT as early as possible
Open ICT
Please open ICT for Gst Inspectors… It is genuine demand..
Wife posted in UP . I am in Tamil Nadu. Why can’t govt allow us to live together
Open ICT
Please open ICT in GST department …it is required for the welfare of the departmen
Men and women are being forced to leave their hard earned govt jobs and families to satisfy the ego of few. No transfers for GST Inspectors. Facing harsh conditions. Dark times….
Open ICT in CBIC
Men and women are being forced to leave their hard earned govt jobs and families to satisfy the ego of few. No transfers for GST Inspectors. Facing harsh conditions. Dark times…..
@men and women are being forced to leave their hard earned govt jobs and families to satisfy the ego of few. Transfers r there for every other person in the deptt except inspectors. #openictincbic https://t.co/KHmYrNbEUI
women are being forced to leave their hard earned govt jobs and families to satisfy the ego of few. Transfers r there for every other person in the deptt except inspectors. #openictincbic https://t.co/KHmYrNbEUI
women are being forced to leave their hard earned govt jobs and families to satisfy the ego of few. Transfers r there for every other person in the deptt except inspectors. #openictincbic https://t.co/KHmYrNbEUI
men and women are being forced to leave their hard earned govt jobs and families to satisfy the ego of few. Transfers r there for every other person in the deptt except inspectors. #openictincbic https://t.co/KHmYrNbEUI
women are being forced to leave their hard earned govt jobs and families to satisfy the ego of few. Transfers r there for every other person in the deptt except inspectors. #openictincbic
Please open ICT in GST department …it is required for the welfare of the department
Please open ICT in GST department …it is required for the welfare of the department
it is allowed in other cadres but inspectors cadre it is denied giving lame excuses…
DOPT who is supreme body to frame the rules in service matter is in agreement for transfer but cbic is adamant violating dopt guidelines
CBIC should help of inspectors to live a life with their family. Don’t force us to live far from their family.
Please open ICT. Let the CGST Inspector live a normal life with their families with dignity.
Husband and wife can not be seperated.Disabled needs support of his family.
Husband and wife can not be seperated.Disabled needs support of his family. Pls Open ICT in CBIC.
Why do not gst department is considered dopt circular which say that government spouse should be posted at same location.
महिला अपनी नोकरी छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर हैं, वे अपनी पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों को निभाने में असमर्थ है।
cbic इस मांग को स्वीकार करें।
Open ict in GST INSPECTOR cader in cbic
We Inspectors want to be with our family in this difficult times. Kindly reopen ICT.
Inter Zonal Transfer of Inspectors of GST & Customs is a genuine demand.
Please open ICT. Let the CGST Inspector live a normal life with dignity.
Genuine demand of thousands of inspectors and their aggrieved families
The govt shall open the ICT for welfare it’s employees.
The process of ICT should be started immediately. The Inspector cadre has been living in denial for a long time. Enough is enough.
There cannot be any justification by board for banning ICT in inspector cadre alone. Parents who have sacrified everything are now living alone when they need us most. For the sake of all, please open ICT
It’s very tough time for spouse ground candidate.either one has to resign or they have to take divorce.plz help..
केंद्रीय जीएसटी निरिक्षक बहुत ही कठिन समय से गुजर रहे हैं। महिला अपनी नोकरी छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर हैं, वे अपनी पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों को निभाने में असमर्थ है।
cbic इस मांग को स्वीकार करें।
If GST can unite the Tax system, why GST Inspectors are not being seen as one cadre and transfers are being allowed. Being near home is a mental peace and it will increase productivity and overall development of Inspector cadre as well as department.
Why do not gst department is considered dopt circular which say that government spouse should be posted same place.
Is it only for IRS officers in GST department
In CBIC British era present all facilities for Group A (Group A officer are British) and inspector are Indian(Indian Dog) no facilities and no family.
कोरोना काल में भी GST निरीक्षक अपने परिवार से दूर रहने को मजबूर हैं।
CBIC को स्थानांतरण तुरंत प्रभाव से खोल देने चाहिए जिससे इनकी परेशानी कम हो।
कुछ ऐसे भी निरीक्षक है जो खुद या उनका परिवार गंभीर बीमारी से पीड़ित है पर वह अपने परिवार के साथ रह कर अपना व उनका देखभाल नहीं कर सकता और वो इसीलिए क्योंकि CBIC ने अपने निरीक्षकों के स्थानांतण पर रोक लगा दी है। जबकि ऐसे गंभीर बीमारी के सम्बन्ध में केंद्र सरकार ने कई दिशनिर्देश जारी किए है की ऐसे कमचारियों को उनके घर के निकट स्थानांतरण किया जाए। परन्तु CBIC इन दिशनिर्देशों को दरकिनार कर ऐसे जरूरतमदों के स्थानांतरण पर रोक लगा रखी है।
अतः केंद्र सरकार से अनुरोध है कि मामले में हस्तक्षेप करे तथा राजस्व विभाग के रीढ़ अर्थात् निरीक्षकों के कल्याण के संबंध में आवश्यक दिशनिर्देश जारी करे
Women(State Govt employees) are being forced to leave their job due to their husbands(GST INSPECTORS_Central Govt employees) are posted in other states. And due to ban on ICT their husband are unable to get transfer from their respective zones and their wives are restricted to particular state as they are under state Government. In view of above, it is impossible to live together even after marriage. Government is continously promoting the *Women* *empowerment* but in this case women are bound to leave their jobs. Therefore, it requested to open the ICT for living the married life together not separately.
Inspectors in CBIC, both spouses are forced to live apart from each other and their children or resign from hard earned job. Denied same station posting to working spouses in CBIC arbitrarily by board. Please give us our right to life
महिलाएं अपनी मेहनत से प्राप्त राज्य सरकार की नोकरी या अपने परिवार में से एक को छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर है। उनके लिए बड़ा सवाल है कि उन्हें सरकारी विभाग में क्यों शामिल होना चाहिए
@cbic_india को अपने निरिक्षको की मनसिक स्थिति को समझने एवं उनकी कार्यक्षमता को बढ़ाने के लिए अंतरराज्यीय स्थानांतरण को पुनः शुरू करना चाहिए। यह तुरंत खुला होना चाहिए
केंद्रीय जीएसटी निरिक्षको की पत्नियां या तो अकेले रहने को मजबूर हैं या उन्हें अपनी राज्य सरकार की नोकरी से त्यागपत्र देना पड़ रहा हैं।
What shouldwe do ???
This is big question for us and our family
अखिल भारतीय GST निरीक्षक संघ ने विभाग में अंतरराज्यीय स्थानांतरण फिर से शुरू करने की मांग so open transfer
GST के हजारों इंस्पेक्टरों की अंतरराज्यीय स्थानांतरण की मांग हैं, जहां उनकी पत्नी राज्य सरकार के विभिन्न विभागों में कार्यरत हैं कर रहे हैं। Open transfer
39 कभी-कभी मेरी माँ मुझे फोन करके कहती है कि अभिनंदन तो पाकिस्तान से भी लौट आया बेटा, तू कब लौटेगा?
Open ICT
It is the arrogant Senior level Bureaucracy which is still adhering to Hammer down Approach used in British Colonial era. They need to be wake up to today’s reality and genuine needs of the inspectors. It’s not unreasonable demand at all. These are basic human tendencies to stay close to family.
There cannot be any justification by board for banning ICT in inspector cadre alone. Parents who have sacrified everything are now living alone when they need us most. For the sake of all, plz open ICT
It’s a legit demand after all we have family also we need to spend time with family.. most of Inspectors leaving this job because of no ICT…
It is requested from authorities to take necessary action in this regard and open ICT as early as possible
इंस्पेक्टर कैडर में ICT बैन कर दिया हैं जिससे विकलांग, स्पाउस और अविवाहित लड़की सभी के ट्रांसफर के रास्ते बंद हो गए है
Open ICT in CBIC
इंस्पेक्टर कैडर में ICT बैन कर दिया हैं जिससे विकलांग, स्पाउस और अविवाहित लड़की सभी के ट्रांसफर के रास्ते बंद हो गए है
Open ICT in CBIC
Please don’t force anyone to live away from their family. Humbly request to open ICT.
Please open ICT. life of families has been ruined by this draconian decision.
DOP&T makes mandatory for all department to post husband and wife at the same location to enhance the women’s status
in all walks of life.but CBIC defied it and banned transfer of GST Inspectors.
open ICT
Please Don’t force us to live far from our families. ICT is important to us.
ICT should be open
ICT for GST Inspectors should be re-opened.
ICT is very important for families of GST Inspectors..
The process of ICT should be started immediately. The Inspector cadre has been living in denial for a long time.
We inspectors have spent lot of years away from our families. But in this crucial time we want ICT so that we can be with our families.
ICT is genuine demand of Inspectors.
DGHRD has also recommended ICT in its letter, quoting it will curb for appearing in same exam again and again by the CIBC inspectors, to get job near their hometown.
Reopening ICT will help the inspectors to be with their families.
ICT should be opened immediately
ICT should be reopened immediately
Its essential for the inspectors to be with their family. Reopen ICT .
ICT will help the inspectors to be with their family and take care of them.
Reopen ICT for Inspectors please. its a humble request
We Inspectors want to be with our family in this difficult times. Kindly reopen ICT.
ICT is need of the hour for Inspectors. Kindly reopen it .
Please reopen ICT for Inspectors
It’s been a long time we are away from our family. Please reinstate ICT for Inspector Cadre in CBIC
Reopen ICT so that we can be with our world.
Please reopen ICT for Inspector Cadre in CBIC.
Open ICT for CBIC Inspector
Open ICT for inspector.
ICT reinstate honi chahiye bhai
Please open Inter Commissionerate Transfer or Inter Zonal Transfer
Please open ICT in CBIC in respect of CGST Inspectors. #OpenICTin CBIC
Our FM should take note of this issue and relax the rules for transferz
Govt should consider the genuine demand of the employees…even dopt says wife and husband should be together..this is pathetic on the department
ICT should be opened.
As Modi ji himself accepted that it is general tendency of human to go home, everybody wants to go home, then why don’t Inspectors in CGST? They also want to go home, they also want to spend time with their families, their ailing or old parents. Please open that ICT.
ICT must be open
Why such partiality with GST inspectors in same deptt. When ICT is open for other group of officer. Grave injustice. Transferred empliyees were forced to revert. Oligarchy in Board is at peak, no body to listen for employee wellfare in such times of crisis.
Open ICT in Inspector cadre of CBIC immediately.
ICT must be opened
Stop the second grade treatment of your own cutting edge officers! #OpenICTinCBIC.
Open ICT in Inspector cadre of GST.
The govt shall open the ICT for welfare it’s employees.
Why do not gst department is considered dopt circular which say that government spouse should be posted same place.
Is it only for IRS officers in GST departmen
The process of ICT should be started immediately. The Inspector cadre has been living in denial for a long time. Enough is enough.
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families.
यदि ICT नहीं खुला तो जिस तरह से CBIC employees के साथ treat कर रहा है, उसी तरह employees भी मजबूर होकर CBIC को इसका जवाब देगा…
Plesse CBIC open your eyes and do some welfare work your poor employees. Please open ICT immediately for Inspectors.
Genuine demand of thousands of inspectors and their aggrieved families
Atleast open ICT for compassionate ground
Why do not gst department is considered dopt circular which say that government spouse should be posted same place.
Is it only for IRS officers in GST department
यदि ICT नहीं खुला तो जिस तरह से CBIC employees के साथ treat कर रहा है, उसी तरह employees भी मजबूर होकर CBIC को इसका जवाब देगा…
ICT is the only hope to save our job. Else we have to quit the job to serve our old parents.
When will our Ghar Wapsi happen. We want to go our homes. open ICTin CBIc for Inspectors.
Please PMO and Ministry of Finance,,,,please please open our ICT. I have spent 7 years in tamilnadu and atleast now we want to go home….please please open our ICT.
ICT start hone se dusre logo ko koi problem nhi hogi lekin start na hone se bahut sari families ko problem ho rahi h
ICT is very important for families of GST Inspectors..
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of financ
ICT is very much needed in this crucial time My old parents are waiting for thier son to come hone and take care of them.
Kindly open Transfers in the cadre of GST inspectors
Please help inspector to open ICT
Bhagwan CBIC ko sadbuddhi de
Inspectors are resigning, joining lower grade pay jobs just because of their home state.
Inspectors joining the department, get training , work for 1-2 year and resigning .. this is the cycle .. just because of foolish policies by CBIC BOARD
ICT नहीं खुलने से Department को भी नुकसान हो रहा है, इससे राजस्व में कमी के साथ साथ लोग SSC cgl exam में केंद्रीय GST Inspector के पद को वरियता में काफी पीछे रखने लगे हैं.
GST Inspectors apne Department ki sewa pure dil se krte h..Department ko Inspectors ki prblm ko samjhna chahiye.
ICT start hone se dusre logo ko koi problem nhi hogi lekin start na hone se bahut sari families ko problem ho rahi h
lots of wrong policies leads to revenue loss .. crores of loss to government account just because of senseless decisions by CBIC BOARD.
first they transferred the Inspectors and then decided to revert them back with Tarvel Allowance benefit ( directed by court) ..
just one foolish decision and loss of crores of rupees ..
Plesse CBIC open your eyes and do some welfare work your poor employees. Please open ICT immediately for Inspectors.
We want justice i want to see my sister during this lockdown we need her. If it goes wrong some where the result will be bad ICT
ICT for GST Inspectors should be re-opened.
ICT shuru honi chahiye
We have spent almost 7 years, 3000 km far from our home . I have my old ailing parents and no one is there to take care.
ICT is very much needed in urgency.
Akhir kab tk thodi to insaniyat dikhao ICT
केंद्रीय जीएसटी निरिक्षक बहुत ही कठिन समय से गुजर रहे हैं। महिला अपनी नोकरी छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर हैं, वे अपनी पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों को निभाने में असमर्थ है। cbic इस मांग को स्वीकार करें।
worst ’human resource development’ management by CBIC
बेटी बाचावो, बेटी पढ़ावो, बहुत अच्छी सुरुआत है, लेकिन जब जो बेटी पढ़कर, राज्य सरकार की नोकरी करना सुरु करे, ओर महिला शशक्तिकरण हो ,उस समय केन्द्र सरकार के अधीन काम करने वाले उसके पति से उसे दूर कर दिया जाता है, ऐसे में ये स्थिति पैदा हो रही है कि महिलाओं को राज्य सरकार नोकरी छोड़कर अपने पति के साथ रहना पड़ रहा है या फिर तलाक लेकर पति और नोकरी में से एक को चुनना पड़ रहा है, केन्द्र सरकार को तुरन्त संज्ञान लेकर ICT inter commissioner are/ zonal transfer फिर से शुरु करने चाहिए, अगर किस इंस्पेक्टर की कोरोना से दक्षिण भारत मे जान चली जाती है तो उसके घर वालो को तो असली अस्थियां भी नसीब नही होगी
Husband and wife can not be seperated. Old & ailing parents are alone without his only son/daughter. Disabled needs support of his family. Pls Open ICT in CBIC. #OpenICTinCB
Open ICT
Please start the ICT for backbone of CBIC Department of revenue and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families.
It is against the law of nature to keep husband and wife away from each other
Please consider legit demand of ICT Aspirants.
कृपया स्थानांतरण खोलें
We want justice
हम स्थानांतरण पर प्रतिबंध लगाने के लिए बहुत अधिक निराश हैं
Please open transfer
It’s a legit demand after all we have family also we need to spend time with family.. most of Inspectors leaving this job because of no Ict
It is requested from authorities to take necessary action in this regard and open ICT as early as possible
हम गुलाम के रूप में काम कर रहे हैं। हमारी कोई स्थानांतरण नीति नहीं है। आईआरएस बार-बार स्थानांतरण नियमों और नीति का उल्लंघन कर रहे हैं। वे एक ही पॉलिसी पर ट्रांसफर ले रहे हैं, लेकिन इंस्पेक्टरों पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया गया है
Start ICT facing problems
please Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families.
हम अपना जीवन हमेशा Aline के रूप में जी रहे हैं इसलिए कृपया open transfer करें
This is unfair act they have no rights to play with us like this .
इस प्रकार का उत्पीड़न क्यों होना चाहिएf इंस्पेक्टरों के लिए
केंद्रीय जीएसटी निरिक्षक बहुत ही कठिन समय से गुजर रहे हैं। महिला अपनी नोकरी छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर हैं, वे अपनी पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों को निभाने में असमर्थ है। cbic इस मांग को स्वीकार करें।
It’s very tough time for spouse ground candidate.either one has to resign or they have to take divorce.plz help..
Please open transfer of GST inspector in GST department
It’s very sad that husband and wife are not allowed to live together working in Govt sector.one has to resign if they wanted to start health family Life.
It’s very sad that husband and wife working in Govt services are not allowed to live together. One has to resign for healthy family life.
If GST can unite the Tax system, why GST Inspectors are not being seen as one cadre and transfers are being allowed. Being near home is a mental peace and it will increase productivity and overall development of Inspector cadre as well as department.
By stroke of one order banning transfer of Inspectors kn GST, CBIC board flouted all norms of dept and humanity and did grave injustice to Inspector cadre. Why such hatred for your subordinates?
Why do not gst department is considered dopt circular which say that government spouse should be posted same place.
Is it only for IRS officers in GST department
In CBIC British era present all facilities for Group A (Group A officer are British) and inspector are Indian(Indian Dog) no facilities and no family.
कोरोना काल में भी GST निरीक्षक अपने परिवार से दूर रहने को मजबूर हैं। CBIC को स्थानांतरण तुरंत प्रभाव से खोल देने चाहिए जिससे इनकी परेशानी कम हो।
कुछ ऐसे भी निरीक्षक है जो खुद या उनका परिवार गंभीर बीमारी से पीड़ित है पर वह अपने परिवार के साथ रह कर अपना व उनका देखभाल नहीं कर सकता और वो इसीलिए क्योंकि CBIC ने अपने निरीक्षकों के स्थानांतण पर रोक लगा दी है। जबकि ऐसे गंभीर बीमारी के सम्बन्ध में केंद्र सरकार ने कई दिशनिर्देश जारी किए है की ऐसे कमचारियों को उनके घर के निकट स्थानांतरण किया जाए। परन्तु CBIC इन दिशनिर्देशों को दरकिनार कर ऐसे जरूरतमदों के स्थानांतरण पर रोक लगा रखी है।
अतः केंद्र सरकार से अनुरोध है कि मामले में हस्तक्षेप करे तथा राजस्व विभाग के रीढ़ अर्थात् निरीक्षकों के कल्याण के संबंध में आवश्यक दिशनिर्देश जारी करे
Women(State Govt employees) are being forced to leave their job due to their husbands(GST INSPECTORS_Central Govt employees) are posted in other states. And due to ban on ICT their husband are unable to get transfer from their respective zones and their wives are restricted to particular state as they are under state Government. In view of above, it is impossible to live together even after marriage. Government is continously promoting the *Women* *empowerment* but in this case women are bound to leave their jobs. Therefore, it requested to open the ICT for living the married life together not separately.
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families.
ICT shuru honi chahiye
Women(State Govt employees) are being forced to leave their job due to their husbands(GST INSPECTORS_Central Govt employees) are posted in other states. And due to ban on ICT their husband are unable to get transfer from their respective zones and their wives are restricted to particular state as they are under state Government. In view of above, it is impossible to live together even after marriage. Government is continously promoting the *Women* *empowerment* but in this case women are bound to leave their jobs. Therefore, it requested to open the ICT for living the married life together not separately.
Inspectors in CBIC, both spouses are forced to live apart from each other and their children or resign from hard earned job. Denied same station posting to working spouses in CBIC arbitrarily by board. Please give us our right to life
कृपया ICT प्रारंभ करें
हजारों इंस्पेक्टरों की अंतरराज्यीय स्थानांतरण की मांग हैं, जहां उनकी पत्नी राज्य सरकार के विभिन्न विभागों में कार्यरत हैं कर रहे हैं। सरकार को जल्दी हि तबादला करना चाहिए|
CBIC helps us to live a life with our family. Don’t force us to live far from my wife and my baby. Is it our fault that we both are Govt employee?
हमारा जीवन खराब करने की कोशिश की जा रही है। हम घर जाना चाहते हैं।
am |
केंद्रीय जीएसटी निरिक्षक बहुत ही कठिन समय से गुजर रहे हैं। महिला अपनी नोकरी छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर हैं, वे अपनी पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों को निभाने में असमर्थ है।
cbic इस मांग को स्वीकार करें।
हम स्थानांतरण चाहते हैं
हमारे परिवारों को हमारी जरूरत है। देश सेवा के साथ परिवार की सेवा भी हमारा कर्तव्य है।
कृपया स्थानांतरण निरीक्षक खोलें
For a healthy and peaceful life, it is urgent to transfer of the officers on request.
ict shuru karo plz.
It’s very tough time for spouse ground candidate.either one has to resign or they have to take divorce.plz help..
It’s very sad that husband and wife are not allowed to live together working in Govt sector.one has to resign if they wanted to start health family Life.
It’s very sad that husband and wife working in Govt services are not allowed to live together. One has to resign for healthy family life.
Ye bahut hi tough hota h ek insan ke lie ki apni family jiske lie vo itni mehnat krte hain unhi se milne ke lie taraste hain.. Meri wife Rajasthan State government servant h aur meri posting Gujarat.. ab koi kare justify hamara alag alag rhna just because of this ban.. kya hame haq nahi h sath rahne ka.. apni family ke bare m sochne ka.. this is completely murder of our fundamental rights #OpenICTinCBIC
केंद्रीय जीएसटी निरिक्षक बहुत ही कठिन समय से गुजर रहे हैं। महिला निरीक्षक अपनी नोकरी छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर हैं, वे अपनी पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों को निभाने में असमर्थ है।
cbic इस मांग को स्वीकार करें।
हमारे परिवारों को हमारी जरूरत है। देश सेवा के साथ परिवार की सेवा भी हमारा कर्तव्य है।
ICT should be opened for inspectors
There is a issues of seniority on ICT , consequently ICT stopped.
Please Open ICT..
Open ICT immediately
#OpenICTincbic for welfare for officers and their family
Kindly reopen ICT for Inspector Cadre in CBIC.
Although without compromising on administrative effectiveness, CBIC need to start ICT, so that GST inspectors can serve near to their home and can fullfill other family responsibilities.
Whats the benefit uf someone from UP is serving in Gujarat and someone from Gujarat is serving in UP. Both are not being able to be with their family and are not being able to take care of parents.
This draconian transfer policy should change.
Inter Commissionerate Transfer is a genuine demand of GST inspector cadre. CBIC must rethink about it.
If GST can unite the Tax system, why GST Inspectors are not being seen as one cadre and transfers are being allowed. Being near home is a mental peace and it will increase productivity and overall development of Inspector cadre as well as department.
Open ICT, increase productivity of inspectors which may result into boost up gst revenue collection
Please open ICT.
For the sake of mental and physical well being of us and our family, please reopen ICT.
ICT is very much essential for Inspector. Please let us be with our family members.
Please reopen ICT for Inspector Cadre in CBIC.
ICT is a genuine demand. Kindly reopen it at the earliest.
Please reopen ICT for Inspector Cadre in CBIC
ICT should be opened..transfer is the minimum welfare this department could do for its staff…it is pathetic that a central govt department has stopped transfers
By stroke of one order banning transfer of Inspectors kn GST, CBIC board flouted all norms of dept and humanity and did grave injustice to Inspector cadre. Why such hatred for your subordinates?
Why do not gst department is considered dopt circular which say that government spouse should be posted same place.
Is it only for IRS officers in GST department
Banning of ICT has disastrous effects on our day to day life,so requesting for open ict in cbic.
In CBIC British era present all facilities for Group A (Group A officer are British) and inspector are Indian(Indian Dog) no facilities and no family.
ICT should be opened now
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families.
Ban on ICT must be lifted. It’s inhuman to ban ICT even on any conditions like spouse, terminal illness etc.
Ban on ICT must be lifted. It’s inhuman to ban ICT even on any conditions like spouse, terminal illness etc.
Ban on ICT must be lifted. It’s inhuman to ban ICT even on any conditions like spouse, terminal illness etc.
Employees are ready to forgo their seniority, promotions.. still they are not getting transfer… Such a mental trauma, they are suffering… God Bless CBIC
Very sad for those parents who has single child and can not take care of them. #OPENICTINCBIC
How can any of the Department make separate spouses?? It is a common sense.. ICT should be re opened.
CBIC Dept has to follow Dopt norms. Very sad it is
GST निरीक्षक कब अपने घर जाएंगे?
पूछता है भारत!
हजारों परिवारों को अलग करके उनकी बद्दुआ लेने की बजाय उच्च अधिकारियों को उन्हें मिला के उनका आशीष लेना चाहिए। अंत मे अच्छे कर्म ही काम आते हैं।
Bhot hi sharmnak ye ICT ko ban Kiya Jana.
कोरोना काल में भी GST निरीक्षक अपने परिवार से दूर रहने को मजबूर हैं।
CBIC को स्थानांतरण तुरंत प्रभाव से खोल देने चाहिए जिससे इनकी परेशानी कम हो।
Ban on ICT must be lifted. It’s inhuman to ban ICT even on any conditions like spouse, terminal illness etc.
GST निरीक्षकों का वनवास कब समाप्त होगा?
CBIC must open ICT for GST inspectors
It was a very bad step on the part of CBIC to ban such transfers.
It’s high time for CBIC to re-open ICT for GST inspectors as Inspectors are already depressed with Corona crisis.
ICT please shuru karwaeeye
ICT khatam karkey ,Sarkar nay hamey hamari marzi Kay Bina baandhney ki koshish hai , jau bilkul galat hai
कुछ ऐसे भी निरीक्षक है जो खुद या उनका परिवार गंभीर बीमारी से पीड़ित है पर वह अपने परिवार के साथ रह कर अपना व उनका देखभाल नहीं कर सकता और वो इसीलिए क्योंकि CBIC ने अपने निरीक्षकों के स्थानांतण पर रोक लगा दी है। जबकि ऐसे गंभीर बीमारी के सम्बन्ध में केंद्र सरकार ने कई दिशनिर्देश जारी किए है की ऐसे कमचारियों को उनके घर के निकट स्थानांतरण किया जाए। परन्तु CBIC इन दिशनिर्देशों को दरकिनार कर ऐसे जरूरतमदों के स्थानांतरण पर रोक लगा रखी है।
अतः केंद्र सरकार से अनुरोध है कि मामले में हस्तक्षेप करे तथा राजस्व विभाग के रीढ़ अर्थात् निरीक्षकों के कल्याण के संबंध में आवश्यक दिशनिर्देश जारी करे।
Open ICT in CBIC.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 30th September, 2009.
Subject : Posting of husband and wife at the same station.
In view of the utmost importance attached to the enhancement of women’s status in all walks of life and to enable them to lead a normal family life as also to ensure the education and welfare of the children, guidelines were issued by DOP&T in O.M No. 28034/7/86-Estt.(A) dated 3.4.86 and No.28034/2/97-Estt.(A) dated 12.6.97 for posting of husband and wife who are in Government service, at the same station. Department had on 23.8.2004 issued instructions to all Mins./Deptts. to follow the above guidelines in letter and spirit.
2. In the context of the need to make concerted efforts to increase representation of women in Central Government jobs, these guidelines have been reviewed to see whether the instructions could be made mandatory. It has been decided that when both spouses are in same Central Service or working in same Deptt. and if posts are available, they may mandatorily be posted at the same station. It is also necessary to make the provisions at Paras 3(iv) and (vi) of the O.M. dated 3.4.86 stronger as it is not always necessary that the service to which the spouse with longer service belongs has adequate number of posts and posting to the nearest station by either of the Department may become necessary.
3. On the basis of the 6 h CPC Report, Govt. servants have already been allowed the facility of Child Care Leave which is admissible till the children attain 18 years of age. On similar lines, provisions of O.M. dated 12.6.97. have been amended.
4. The consolidated guidelines will now be as follows:-
(i) Where the spouses belong to the same All India Service or two of the
All India Services, namely IAS, IPS and Indian Forest Service (Group ’A’);
The spouse may be transferred to the same cadre by providing for a cadre transfer of one spouse to the Cadre of the other spouse, on the request of the member of service subject to the member of service not being posted under this process to his/her home cadre. Postings within the Cadre will, of course, fall within the purview of the State Govt.
(ii) Where one spouse belongs to one of the All India Services and the other spouse belongs to one of the Central Services:-
The cadre controlling authority of the Central Service may post the officer to the station or if there is no post in that station, to the State where the other spouse belonging to the All India service is posted.
(iii) Where the spouses belong to the same Central Service:
The Cadre controlling authority may post the spouses to the same station.
(iv) Where the spouse belongs to one Central Service and the other spouse belongs to another Central Service:-
The spouse with the longer service at a station may apply to his/her appropriate cadre controlling authority and the said authority may post the said officer to the station or if there is no post in that station to the nearest station where
the post exists. In case that authority, after consideration of the request, is not in a position to accede to the request, on the basis of non-availability of vacant post, the spouse
with lesser service may apply to the appropriate cadre authority accordingly, and that authority will consider such requests for posting the said officer to the station or if there is no post in that station to the nearest station where the post exists.
(v) Where one spouse belongs to an All India Service and the other spouse belongs to a Public Sector Undertaking:
The spouse employed under the Public Sector Undertaking may apply to the competent authority and said authority may post the said officer to the station, or if there is no post under the PSU in that station, to the State where the other spouse is posted.
– 3 –
(vi) Where one spouse belongs to a Central Service and the other spouse belongs to a PSU:-
The spouse employed under the PSU may apply to the competent authority and the said authority may post the officer to the station or if there is no post under the PSU in that station, to the station nearest to the station where the other spouse is posted. If, however, the request cannot be granted because the PSU has no post in the said station, then the spouse belonging to the Central Service may apply to the appropriate cadre controlling authority and the said authority may post the said officer to the station or if there is no post in that station, to the station nearest to the station where the spouse employed under PSU is posted.
(vii) Where one spouse is employed under the Central Govt. and the other spouse is employed under the state Govt.:-
The spouse employed under the Central Govt. may apply to the competent authority and the competent authority may post the said officer to the station or if there is no post in that station to the State where the other spouse is posted.
(viii) – “The husband & wife, if working in the same Department and if the required level of post is available, should invariably be posted together in order to enable them to lead a normal family life and look after the welfare of their children especially till the children attain 18 years of age. This will not apply on appointment under the central Staffing Scheme. Where only wife is a Govt. servant, the above concessions would be applicable to the Govt. servant.
5. Complaints are sometimes received that even if posts are available in the station of posting of the spouse, the administrative authorities do not accommodate the employees citing administrative reasons. In all such cases, the cadre controlling authority should strive to post the employee at the station of the spouse and in case of inability to do so, specific reasons, therefor, may be communicated to the employee.
6. Although, normal channels of representations/complaints redressal mechanism exist in the Min./Deptts., added safeguards to prevent non- compliance may be provided by ensuring that the complaints against non- adherence to the instructions are be decided by the authorities at least one level above the authorities which took the original decision when they are below the level of secretary to the Govt. of India/Head of the PSU concerned
and all such representations are considered and isposed in time bound
indi version will follow.
(C. iwal
Secretary to the of India
All the inistries/Departments of the Govt. of India.
Why department is ban ict of inspector only
Why do not gst department is considered dopt circular which say that government spouse should be posted same place.
Is it only for IRS officers in GST department
there should be an ict provision so that we can also live with our rights
Is It only ban for Inspectors…..??
सरकार का नारा बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढाओ…लेकिन जब वो पढ लिख के नोकरी लग गई तो अब उसे अपने परिवार के साथ मत रहने दो…क्या पोलिसी हे सरकार की वा…..
Why should it is ban for Inspectors ???
It is totally violation of government of India rules and Constitution
Husband and wife can not be seperated. Old & ailing parents are alone without his only son/daughter. Disabled needs support of his family. Pls Open ICT in CBIC.
Ict is right of GST inspector
Ict should be open and as soon as possible
Please open ICT (IZT)
Women(State Govt employees) are being forced to leave their job due to their husbands(GST INSPECTORS_Central Govt employees) are posted in other states. And due to ban on ICT their husband are unable to get transfer from their respective zones and their wives are restricted to particular state as they are under state Government. In view of above, it is impossible to live together even after marriage. Government is continously promoting the *Women* *empowerment* but in this case women are bound to leave their jobs. Therefore, it requested to open the ICT for living the married life together not separately.
Open transfer of GST inspector
Women(State Govt employees) are being forced to leave their job due to their husbands(GST INSPECTORS_Central Govt employees) are posted in other states. And due to ban on ICT their husband are unable to get transfer from their respective zones and their wives are restricted to particular state as they are under state Government. In view of above, it is impossible to live together even after marriage. Government is continously promoting the *Women Empowerment* but in this case women are bound to leave their jobs.
In view of above , it requested to open the ICT for living the married life together not separately.
अतंरराज्य आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण बंद होने की वजह से निरीक्षक मानसिक तनाव में कार्य करने को मजबूर है। कोविड 19 के लॉकडॉउन में फंसे मजदूर इसके जागते उदाहरण है।
Kindly open ICT for the welfare of GST inspectors…its genuine demand
Preshaan hai hum,, koi nahi sun raha humari baat. Pradhan mantri ji ne aaj kaha ki gher jana ek natural cheez hai.
Shayad hum insaan nahi hai, isiliye humare liye koi sunwai nahi …
अतंरराज्य आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण बंद होने की वजह से निरीक्षक मानसिक तनाव में कार्य करने को मजबूर है। कोविड 19 के लॉकडॉउन में फंसे मजदूर इसके जागते उदाहरण है।
GST के हजारों इंस्पेक्टरों की अंतरराज्यीय स्थानांतरण की मांग हैं, जहां उनकी पत्नी राज्य सरकार के विभिन्न विभागों में कार्यरत हैं कर रहे हैं
इंस्पेक्टर कैडर में ICT बैन कर दिया हैं जिससे विकलांग, स्पाउस और अविवाहित लड़की सभी के ट्रांसफर के रास्ते बंद हो गए है Open ict
Please consider it for the walfare of inspectors and their families. This is genuine demand of thousands of Inspectors working in cbic.
women are being forced to leave their hard earned govt jobs and families to satisfy the ego of few. Transfers r there for every other person in the deptt except inspectors.
Humble request to finanace ministry GOI, PMO office india and CBIC to please open ICT most disguted cadre of Cbic
Bahut dukh ki baat he ki aap apni wife ke sath nhi rah sakte agar aapki wife state government ya psu me posted he. Ye kesi policy he department ki
women are being forced to leave their hard earned govt jobs and families to satisfy the ego of few. Transfers r there for every other person in the deptt except inspectors.
Humble request to finanace ministry GOI, PMO office india and CBIC to please open ICT most disguted cadre of CBIC i.e Inspectors of CGST
Kindly open Transfers in the cadre of GST inspectors
Inspectors have written to the CBIC to urgently consider reopening of Inter Zonal Transfer/ICT as mental health of the officers is degrading day by day amidst the COVID pandemic. Currently there is no technical roadblock to reopen ICT.
My dear friend shashank is feeling homesick, I want ICT to open again, this is something ridiculous to torture North Indians in Maharashtra or tuticorin.
Urgent action is needed. #shaamnagar
The Inter Zonal Transfer or ICT can be easily opened without any problem. Most of the earlier problem has already been sorted out by the CBIC. It will only take a proper guideline to restart ICT. The AICEIA can also extend it’s help on the matter.
Wives of GST Inspectors either to remain alone or resign their positions to live with husband under this circumstances
केंद्रीय जीएसटी निरिक्षको की पत्नियां या तो अकेले रहने को मजबूर हैं या उन्हें अपनी राज्य सरकार की नोकरी से त्यागपत्र देना पड़ रहा हैं।
Open ict
Inspectors in CBIC, both spouses are forced to live apart from each other and their children or resign from hard earned job. Denied same station posting to working spouses in CBIC arbitrarily by board. Please give us our right to life
Solidarity with Inspector cadre in CBIC for seeking Inter Zonal Transfer popularly known as #ICT.
Physically challenged, working spouse, single child inspectors are suffering from mental agony, what about guidelines of DoPT regarding these people. CBIC is not listening even them also. This ban must be lifted.
Please consider it for the welfare of inspectors and their families. This is genuine demand of thousands of Inspectors working in GST
Kindly open Transfers in the cadre of GST inspectors
It’s high time Department must lift ban on ICT.
ये कैसा समय आ गया है कि CBIC अपने ही निरीक्षकों के साथ कठोर व्यवहार कर रही है । वो अपने निरीक्षकों की जायज मांग को भी नहीं सुन रहे हैं।
वो तो वहीं मांग कर रहे है जो सरकार ने सभी विभागों के कर्मचारियों को प्रदान की है और जिसे CBIC ने बंद कर दिया।
जबकि वर्तमान समय में स्थानांतरण से संबंधित सभी आशंकाए दूर हो चुकी हैं। फिर भी CBIC निरीक्षकों के स्थानांतरण पर रोक नहीं हटा रही है।
अतः CBIC से अनुरोध है कि निरीक्षकों के कल्याण के संबंध में निर्णय लें और निरीक्षकों के स्थानांतण पर लगी रोक को हटाए।
CBIC to have a motivated and focused workforce rather than workforce struggling to strike balance between it’s duties and welfare, a humble request to take care of welfare of its workforce by opening ICT, thus allowing them to give 100% in their duties.
Open ICT For a healthy and peaceful life, it is urgent to transfer of the officers on request.
For a healthy and peaceful life, it is urgent to transfer of the officers on request.
GST inspector can boost Indian economy if GST department lift on their transfer
Boost our morale so that we boost Tax Collection, #OpenICTinCBIC…Open ICT in CBIC
I humbly request to PM to reopen the ICT. It is a grave concern for the families of the officers who are living separately due to ban on ICT.
Open ICT, increase productivity of inspectors which may result into boost up gst revenue collection
Please open ICT. Let the CGST Inspector live a normal life with dignity
इंस्पेक्टर कैडर में ICT बैन कर दिया हैं जिससे विकलांग, स्पाउस और अविवाहित लड़की सभी के ट्रांसफर के रास्ते बंद हो गए है
Boost our morale so that we boost Tax Collection, #OpenICTinCBIC…Open ICT in CBIC.
For women empowerment ,for their mental strength , please consider opening ICT
For women empowerment ,for their mental strength , please consider opening ICT
Inter zonal transfer of GST inspectors in CBIC is genuine demand and the same may please be resumed at the earliest
I humbly request to PM, anuragthakur cbic to reopen the ICT. It is a grave concern for the families of the officers who are living separately due to ban on ICT. For a healthy and peaceful life it is urgent to transfer of the officers on request.
Genuine demand of thousands of inspectors and their aggrieved families
Please open transfer. Husband and wife both working in government job facing difficulties
The Corona Pandemic has provided new perspectives to view all things. Professionals working closer to their homes would serve all the parties well with numerous advantages as explained in the write up.
ICT is a genuine demand of CBIC inspectors. Should be considered positively.
In some family father is expired and mother is doing job in lien and his sons are in other state , just think once what pain is she going through.
Pls open ict
cbic is doing nothing for welfare of its workforce. Even transfer of inspectors on spouse ground is not allowed.
It is requested to hon’ble fianance minister to kindly open INTER ZONAL TRANSFER for Inspectors in CBIC (customs, central excise & csgt). As there are emergency situations like corona where our families also need us while serving the nation as well as
Condition of Inspectors in CBIC is same as migrant workers..Opening ICT would be the best solution. Please rethink about it
The old age parents are leaving away from their sons as ict is banned , pls think of old age people they want their sons to take care of them . Pls reconsider
Open ict, happy employee is most productive. Denying employees to live with their family is not only cruel but also affects their morale. Please open ICT in CBIC.
Please start ICT ? In CBIC
A happy employee is most productive. Denying employees to live with their family is not only cruel but also affects their morale. Please open ICT in CBIC.
A husband is leaving away from his wife , who is benefitting from this…. I think no one…then why this ban ….pls think and kindly open ict in cbic
Thousands of GST Inspectors are waiting for their genuine demand of ICT. Along with them their families are also in state of agony.
Staff of cbic is going through a tough time. Female employees are leaving their jobs, staff members are not able to fulfill their family responsibilities. Kindly Open ICT
Please start ICT ASAP
Staff of cbic is going through a tough time. Female employees are leaving their jobs, staff members are not able to fulfill their family responsibilities. Kindly
I think this is genuine demand , and an easy step for govt , pls see the state of mind of this cadre
Open ICT in CBIC
The Corona Pandemic has provided new perspectives to view all things. Professionals working closer to their homes would serve all the parties well with numerous advantages as explained in the write up.
When there is DOPT guidelines that husband and wife should be posted together, why CBIC is not complying with the same.
Our parents need us. We government employees need transfer to our native place so that we can look after our old age parents.
Wives of GST Inspectors, who employed in State Govt either to remain alone or resign their job to live with husband under this circumstance. This is very awkward situation for the wife and Husband both, as they have to choose between “Family” and “Career”
Bhai bhej do Ghar Bina parivar ki shakal dekhe Bina h Corona ki ladai karwaoge… feeling like bonded labourer
Open Inter Zonal Transfer(ICT) for the welfare of your back bone cadre (Inspector of GST & C.Ex.) @cbic_india as employees are leaving their jobs, many staff members are not able to fulfill their family responsibilities and suffering from Mental trauma.
बहुत से ऐसे निरीक्षक हैं जिनके पिता नहीं है और उनके ऊपर माता सहित अविवाहित भाई बहनों की जिम्मेवारी हैं। ऐसे निरीक्षक चाहकर भी अपने परिवार को अपने साथ नहीं रख सकते । वहीं दूसरी तरफ़ विभाग में स्थानांतरण की प्रक्रिया पर पिछले कई सालों से रोक लगी है।
अब सवाल ये है कि ये निरीक्षक अपनी जिम्मदारियों का निर्वाह कैसे करे क्योंकि ये जॉब भी नहीं छोड़ सकते क्योंकि ये ही आय का एकमात्र जरिया है वहीं दुसरी तरफ स्थानांतरण भी नहीं होगा।
हमारे विचार से इसका एक ही हल है कि निरीक्षकों की स्थानांतरण की प्रक्रिया को पुनः बहाल करें।
Open Inter Zonal transfer in CBIC
to get transfer and live with family makes an individual socially ,emotionally and also financially stronger which in turn makes collection of revenue for govt stronger.
pls open the ict
Govt must consider this…for the sake humanity
to open ict is very easy step for govt , pls do this for our officers
spouse of an individual is in state govt , both live very emotional stresses life.
please open the ict
ict should be open as an inspector to live away from family is torture
yes it is basic requirement of the cadre ,they deserve this
बहुत से ऐसे निरीक्षक हैं जिनके पिता नहीं है और उनके ऊपर माता सहित अविवाहित भाई बहनों की जिम्मेवारी हैं। ऐसे निरीक्षक चाहकर भी अपने परिवार को अपने साथ नहीं रख सकते । वहीं दूसरी तरफ़ विभाग में स्थानांतरण की प्रक्रिया पर पिछले कई सालों से रोक लगी है।
अब सवाल ये है कि ये निरीक्षक अपनी जिम्मदारियों का निर्वाह कैसे करे क्योंकि ये जॉब भी नहीं छोड़ सकते क्योंकि ये ही आय का एकमात्र जरिया है वहीं दुसरी तरफ स्थानांतरण भी नहीं होगा।
हमारे विचार से इसका एक ही हल है कि निरीक्षकों की स्थानांतरण की प्रक्रिया को पुनः बहाल करें।
Open Inter Zonal transfer in CBIC
Open ICT in CBIC
What about women empowerment and beti bachao beti padhao
Please open ict , mentally we are suffering alot.
Husband and wives are made to live seperately by banning ICT
Open ICT in CBIC…. Many families are sufferring
GST department is harassing inspector by their transfer ban
Life of GST inspector want freedom
Open ICT or save inspector life
CBIC helps us to live a life with our family.
PLEASE help us_open ICT GST INSPECTORS as many wives of Inspectors bound to leave their jobs due to ban on ICT.
ICT will be a positive initiative towards Government employees’ mental stress. It will increase the output of employees.
अतंरराज्य आयुक्तालय स्थानांतरण बंद होने की वजह से निरीक्षक मानसिक तनाव में कार्य करने को मजबूर है। कोविड 19 के लॉकडॉउन में फंसे मजदूर इसके जागते उदाहरण है।
हजारों इंस्पेक्टरों की अंतरराज्यीय स्थानांतरण की मांग हैं, जहां उनकी पत्नी राज्य सरकार के विभिन्न विभागों में कार्यरत हैं कर रहे हैं।
इंस्पेक्टर कैडर में ICT बैन कर दिया हैं जिससे विकलांग, स्पाउस और अविवाहित लड़की सभी के ट्रांसफर के रास्ते बंद हो गए है
Dopt guidelines must be followed…open ict in cbic
During COVID-19 times we are facing much loneliness as we are away from our homes. CBIC must open Transfer for GST inspectors immediately.
Open ICT of GST inspector
Ict should start asap
बहुत से निरीक्षक जिनके पास आय साधन है वो अपनी जॉब से इस्तीफा दे रहे है परन्तु जो लोग इस्तीफा नहीं दे सकते वो क्या करे?
क्योंकि उनके पास तो आय का कोई और जरिया भी नहीं है तो क्या इनलोगों को अपने परिवार के बीच रहने का हक नहीं है। क्यू इनको इनका हक नहीं दिया जा रहा।
CBIC अपने ही कर्मचारियों के साथ ये कैसा व्यवहार कर रही है।
अतः CBIC से अनुरोध है कि निरीक्षकों की स्थानांतरण की प्रक्रिया को पुनः लागु करे।
Cbic chairman must be answerable to pathetic condition of inspectors.
Dopt guidelines are not followed in CBIC department. Spouse cases are Very much. affected
ICT is really needed, when we joined the department, it was joined just on the basis that after few years we will get transferred to home location, and will maintain a balance between work and professional life
Open ict in CBIC
We, Inspectors, the backbone of GST Deptt. are forced to live separated from our family. CBIC is not even following DOPT guidelines wherein “ if husband and wife are working in govt. deptt. , they should be posted at one station.”
CBIC pls open transfer (ICT) for Inspectors.
बेटी बाचावो, बेटी पढ़ावो, बहुत अच्छी सुरुआत है, लेकिन जब जो बेटी पढ़कर, राज्य सरकार की नोकरी करना सुरु करे, ओर महिला शशक्तिकरण हो ,उस समय केन्द्र सरकार के अधीन काम करने वाले उसके पति से उसे दूर कर दिया जाता है, ऐसे में ये स्थिति पैदा हो रही है कि महिलाओं को राज्य सरकार नोकरी छोड़कर अपने पति के साथ रहना पड़ रहा है या फिर तलाक लेकर पति और नोकरी में से एक को चुनना पड़ रहा है, केन्द्र सरकार को तुरन्त संज्ञान लेकर ICT inter commissioner are/ zonal transfer फिर से शुरु करने चाहिए, अगर किस इंस्पेक्टर की कोरोना से दक्षिण भारत मे जान चली जाती है तो उसके घर वालो को तो असली अस्थियां भी नसीब नही होगी
Inter Zonal Transfer of Inspectors of GST & Customs is a genuine demand.
ICT shuru karo
Ye genuine demand hai CBIC INSPECTOR CDARE ka. Sabse neglected cadre hai ye
Dopt instructions are not followed in CBIC in inspector cadre only. This is really a deprived cadre of CBIC where one even couldn’t transfer at his native place in any circumstances. This is really heartless board where no value of sentiments of the main back bone of the department. CBIC has deliberately banned the ICT which should be reopened for all immediately.
Inspectors in CBIC are suffering the most due to their superior inaction.
Inspectors are bck bone of GST department..if they are suffering such mental trauma…it is directly hamper their performance… Govt shoud open ICT atleast for spouse ground and critical illness case.
This legitimate demand should be accepted by CBIC.
How can a husband and wife can live seperately?
How can a child do his duty passionately when his/her parents are suffering from terminal illness?
How can a differently abled person stay 1000-2000km away from his parents?
Despite knowing above points, how can a board like CBIC with full of intelligent people can issue such kind of draconian circular banning ICT.
It’s a humble request to open ICT for inspectors
Husband and wife can not be seperated. Old & ailing parents are alone without his only son/daughter. Disabled needs support of his family. Pls Open ICT in CBIC.
CBIC need to open ICT for Inspectors
CBIC helps us to live a life with our family. Don’t force us to live far from my wife
Jab group A aur C mein ICT chalu hai to group B mein kyu nahi
Husband and wife ko koi kaise alag alag rahane par mazboor kar sakta…. Inko khuda ka khauf hai ki nahi….. ICT must open for all Inspectors in CBIC….
It’s a legit demand after all we have family also we need to spend time with family.. most of Inspectors leaving this job because of no ICT…
It is requested from authorities to take necessary action in this regard and open ICT as early as possible
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families
सरकार को गस्त निरीक्षकों के बारे में सोचना चाहिए
For a healthy and peaceful life, it is urgent to transfer of the officers on request.
ict shuru karo
Husband and wife can not be seperated. Old & ailing parents are alone without his only son/daughter. Disabled needs support of his family.
क्या यह प्राकृति के खिलाफ नहीं हैं की एक सादी सुदा जोड़ें को जबरदस्ती अलग रखा जा रहा है?
अतः CBIC से सादर अनुरोध है कि निरीक्षकों का स्थानांतरण की प्रक्रिया को फिर से चालू किया जाए।
For a healthy and peaceful life, it is urgent to transfer of the officers on request.
ict shuru karo
ICT should be open for all Inspectors in CBIC….
इंस्पेक्टर कैडर में ICT बैन कर दिया हैं जिससे विकलांग, स्पाउस और अविवाहित लड़की सभी के ट्रांसफर के रास्ते बंद हो गए है
ICT is really needed for all inspectors specially for PH and spouse ground.
Our parents need us. We government employees need transfer to our native place so that we can look after our old age parents.
CBIC ke IRS officers ko apna ego side me rakhkar Inspectors ki genuine demand par dhyan dena chahiye… ICT open honi chahiye
old parents
right to life
sabhi ke liye ICT open karo
DOPT instructions not followed by CBIC department. Husband and wife both working in government job facing difficulties. Please open ICT for inspectors in CBIC department.
ICT should reopen in CBIC. ICT ban has forced women inspectors to quit their job so that they can save their marriage
Plz open ict for gst inspectors
क्या यह प्राकृति के खिलाफ नहीं हैं की एक सादी सुदा जोड़ें को जबरदस्ती अलग रखा जा रहा है?
अतः CBIC से सादर अनुरोध है कि निरीक्षकों का स्थानांतरण की प्रक्रिया को फिर से चालू किया जाए।
ICT should be reopened as soon as possible.
DOPT instructions not followed by CBIC department. Husband and wife both working in government job facing difficulties. Please open ICT for inspectors in CBIC department.
Ict should be opened…let the inspector reunite with their families
ICT should reopen in CBIC. ICT ban has resulted in girls quitting their jobs to stay with their husbands . Big blow to beti bachao beti padhao
Husband and wife can not be seperated. Old & ailing parents are alone without his only son/daughter. Disabled needs support of his family.
Pls open ICT (transfer) in Inspector cadre in CGST deptt.
ICT should reopen in CBIC. ICT ban has forced the inspectors to quit their job and join lower salary jons near their home
Open ICT in cbic for gst inspectors…it is the need of the hour
ICT is really needed, when we joined the department, it was joined just on the basis that after few years we will get transferred to home location, and will maintain a balance between work and professional life.
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families
Department of revenue must reopen ICT of inspectors.
Why injustice to only inspector cadre
… Govt should revoke the ban from ict
क्या यह प्राकृति के खिलाफ नहीं हैं की एक सादी सुदा जोड़ें को जबरदस्ती अलग रखा जा रहा है?
अतः CBIC से सादर अनुरोध है कि निरीक्षकों का स्थानांतरण की प्रक्रिया को फिर से चालू किया जाए।
CBIC pls follow DOPT guidelines and transfer inspector to his/her spouse’s place of posting.
ICT should reopen in CBIC. ICT ban has forced the inspectors to quit their jobs and join jobs of lower status and salary near their homes.
Forced to leave miles away from husband, children, old parents…
Govt. Ko sirf GDP dikhta hai..
Ek Gross happiness naam ka index bhi hota hai… Jismai India ki rank poor hai… Like middle East countries…
ICT Should be open
Due to Ban on ICT, Inspectors of CBIC are going in depression day by day. However they serve for country wholeheartedly. Please understand their mental disturbance and re-open ICT.
Genuine Demand thousands of Inspectors under CBIC to get transfer to other zones where their spouse is working in state govt.
ICT should reopen in CBIC. ICT ban has forced the employees to stay away from their kids as spouses are working in different states.
Don’t give mental torture to inspectors. Open ICT.
ICT should reopen in CBIC. ICT ban has been applied to only the inspector cadre . It is demoralising the cadre which is considered the backbone of the department
It is a grave concern for the families of the officers who are living separately due to ban on ICT. For a healthy and peaceful life it is urgent to transfer of the officers on request.
Open ICT, increase productivity of inspectors which may result into boost up gst revenue collection…
Open ICy
Now a days ICT is equal to God
Both are there but getting it is very tough.
Let gst inspector reunite with their families…govt must consider the demand
ICT should reopen in CBIC. ICT ban has forced even disabled employees to live alone without any support from their families .
ICT SHOULD REOPEN IN CBIC . ICT ban is forcing one of the spouse to resign from their hard earned job
We, Inspectors, the backbone of GST Deptt. are forced to live separated from our family. CBIC is not even following DOPT guidelines wherein “ if husband and wife are working in govt. deptt. , they should be posted at one station.”
CBIC pls open transfer (ICT) for Inspectors.
ICT should open …the govt has to consider the plight of gst inspectors
Jo department apne employees ka bhala nahi kar sakta usse janta kya umeed rakhe
Genuine demand of thousands of inspectors and their aggrieved families
ICT should reopen in CBIC, ICT ban is destroying families
Open ICT in CBIC
ICT IN CBIC SHOULD REOPEN. Husband and wife are staying apart bcoz of this draconian ban.
Kitni umiddon se ye department join kiya tha kya pata tha ki gharbar samaz se itna dur ho jayenge ki soch bhi nahi sakte…
CBIC worst department for inspector
Its a legit demand after all they have also a family to take care of. ICT should be restarted asap. Most of the inspectors are leaving this job because of no ICT. I want to request the authorities to start ICT with an immediate effect to secure lives of all the inspectors.
Ict should reopen in CBIC . The basic unit of LIFE that is FAMILY should stay together .
Its a legit demand after all we have family also we need to spent time with family.. most of Inspectors leaving this job because of no ICT… It is requested from authorities to take necessary action in this regard and open ICT as early as possible.
ICT should reopen
Please open transfer. Husband and wife both working in government job facing difficulties.
It shud be open
CBIC is showing cruelty against their inspectors by not opening ICT. They are not bothering the problems being faced by the inspectors cadre.
It should be opened soon.
With the same provisions it is allowed in other cadres but inspectors cadre it is denied giving lame excuses…
DOPT who is supreme body to frame the rules in service matter is in agreement for transfer but cbic is adamant violating dopt guidelines
Please open ICT. Let the CGST Inspector live a normal life with dignity.
aji bas poocho mt …..hamari to umar hi 10 saal kam ho jayegi
CBIC ne apne inspectors ka mazak bana kar rakh diya hai…
How it can be expected from a frustrated and demoralised employee to work with zeal and dedication…
In all cadres in all the department of Government of India transfer policy is there but cbic banned it to benefit a small chunk
Genuine demand of thousands of inspectors and their aggrieved families
ICT is our basic Fundamental Right, and that can’t be scrapped
बेटी बाचावो, बेटी पढ़ावो, बहुत अच्छी सुरुआत है, लेकिन जब जो बेटी पढ़कर, राज्य सरकार की नोकरी करना सुरु करे, ओर महिला शशक्तिकरण हो ,उस समय केन्द्र सरकार के अधीन काम करने वाले उसके पति से उसे दूर कर दिया जाता है, ऐसे में ये स्थिति पैदा हो रही है कि महिलाओं को राज्य सरकार नोकरी छोड़कर अपने पति के साथ रहना पड़ रहा है या फिर तलाक लेकर पति और नोकरी में से एक को चुनना पड़ रहा है, केन्द्र सरकार को तुरन्त संज्ञान लेकर ICT inter commissioner are/ zonal transfer फिर से शुरु करने चाहिए, अगर किस इंस्पेक्टर की कोरोना से दक्षिण भारत मे जान चली जाती है तो उसके घर वालो को तो असली अस्थियां भी नसीब नही होगी
Inter zonal transfer of GST inspectors in CBIC is genuine demand and the same may please be resumed at the earliest.
Insensitive officers are leading GST department.
ICT should be start
Inter Zonal Transfer of Inspectors of GST & Customs is a genuine demand.
Dopt instructions are not followed in CBIC in inspector cadre only. This is really a deprived cadre of CBIC where one even couldn’t transfer at his native place in any circumstances. This is really heartless board where no value of sentiments of the main back bone of the department. CBIC has deliberately banned the ICT which should be reopened for all immediately.
Inspectors are bck bone of GST department..if they are suffering such mental trauma…it is directly hamper their performance… Govt shoud open ICT atleast for spouse ground and critical illness case.
This legitimate demand should be accepted by CBIC.
How can a husband and wife can live seperately?
How can a child do his duty passionately when his/her parents are suffering from terminal illness?
How can a differently abled person stay 1000-2000km away from his parents?
Despite knowing above points, how can a board like CBIC with full of intelligent people can issue such kind of draconian circular banning ICT.
The govt shall open the ICT for welfare it’s employees.
Husband and wife can not be seperated. Old & ailing parents are alone without his only son/daughter. Disabled needs support of his family. Pls Open ICT in CBIC.
zaalim aur sabse ghatiya deptt hai cbic inspectors k liye….ye irs ko income tax nahi mila to humpe kyun zor dikhate hain…apne baap politicians k to joote chaat te hain ye
ICT should be start asap
CBIC helps us to live a life with our family. Don’t force us to live far from my wife and daughter.
It’s a legit demand after all we have family also we need to spend time with family.. most of Inspectors leaving this job because of no ICT…
It is requested from authorities to take necessary action in this regard and open ICT as early as possible
Please start the ICT for backbone of revenue department and ministry of finance,All are faced ordeal experience and depressed due to lockdown and far off Dearest families.
ICT shuru honi chahiye